SpreadsheetGear 2022 Preactivated

SpreadsheetGear 2022 Preactivated

SpreadsheetGear 2022 is a professional Microsoft Excel compatible spreadsheet application which allows users to create interactive and scalable Excel Reports, comprehensive Excel compatible charting APIs.

It is an efficient application which incredibly minimizes the size of code required to program Excel applications in .NET platform. With this great tool, you can easily design dashboards, reports, charts, and models using this application.

It also enables you to easily convert entire books or specific ranges to DataSet or DataTable. It supports a wide range of popular spreadsheets formats like XLMX, XLSM, XLS, CSV, and Txt.

High speed Excel file manipulation with C# and VB.NET!

“Processing time reduced to only 4 seconds…”

A .NET component that makes generating, loading, editing, and saving Excel files easy without using MS Excel as well as enabling high performance application developement with high speed API.

  • Manipulating programs without installing MS Excel
  • Adding spreadsheet function to applications
  • Improving Excel output performance in your existing system

preadsheetGear for Silverlight Assemblies:

SpreadsheetGear.Windows.Silverlight.dll – includes the core spreadsheet and charting engines as well as the Silverlight WorkbookView and FormulaBar controls.

Silverlight 5 Toolkit Assemblies (Dec 2011):

The following assemblies from the Silverlight Toolkit (Dec 2011) (Microsoft – Cloud, computers, apps en games) should be included in your XAP file for full support of the autofilters UI in the SpreadsheetGear for Silverlight WorkbookView control.


If you do have the Silverlight Toolkit installed, Visual Studio will either use the above assemblies, or the same assemblies from the Silverlight Toolkit installation folder.

If you have a Silverlight Toolkit version that is different from the above version, you should delete those references and manually add references to these assemblies.

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