Regit POS Express Plus for Networks With KeyGen

Regit POS Express Plus for Networks With KeyGen

Regit Express EZInventory App

Regit Express EZInventory for Android Devices updates your inventory by adding to, subtracting from, or replacing the inventory quantities. You simply scan the items and transfer the list of items by way of Bluetooth or your charging cable. Then use the Regit Express utility program to read the file and update the inventory quantities.  EZInventory is also designed to work directly with the Regit Express Plus Stocktake Module.


Regit Express Remote Transactions App

The Regit Express Remote Application provides pre-scanning merchandise to prevent or alleviate congestion at a busy register. One employee can be scanning items while another can be quickly checking out customers. Scanned merchandise is sent to the register by way of Bluetooth. The function works totally in the background and does not disturb the cashier’s operation. When ready, the cashier simply pulls up a transferred file which automatically populates the transaction with the scanned items. The cashier is then free to make any adjustments to the transaction prior to tendering.


Regit Express PO Partner App

Regit Express PO Partner for Android Devices creates or updates your purchase orders by supplying or adding to the purchase order quantities. You simply scan the items you want to order, then transfer the list of items by way of Bluetooth or your charging cable. Then use the Regit Express Plus’s Purchase Order Module to create or update your purchases.


Regit Express Scan List App

The Regit Express Scan List for Android Devices prints a bar code list for customers to present to the cashier during checkout. The list is useful wherever side type sales are taking place. Examples include meat counters, yardage stations, deli or other fast food areas, bakery items, lumber yards, classroom settings, prescription drug counters, film development counters, or anywhere bulk items are sold. The cashier simply scans the items on the list during checkout. Each register is equipped with a Bluetooth print listener so they can print out a scan list. Additionally, standalone print listeners are available for downloading on our web site. This allows scan lists to be printed anywhere and from as many locations as needed.


Regit Express Item Lookup App

The Regit Express Item Lookup App for Android Devices provides remote access to product information. The database of inventory items is created from the Regit Express Office and then transferred to the Android device. Inventory items can then be easily looked up by entering a partial description or partial product code for the item.



Android Devices

While these Applications will undoubtedly work with many or most Android devices, it will equally not work with some. So, please do not go out and purchase a new device for use with the Regit Express Remote App that we have not tested or have received working reports from users.

You can download and install with most Android devices directly from this download.  However, some Android versions will not allow direct installing when the .apk was not from the Google Play Store.  If you do not know how to install an Android App (.apk installation file) that is not from Google Play Store, refer to the Instruction Manual for those instructions.


You will also need Regit Express Version or above (Version 2.26 PO Module for PO Partner App).  Upgrade patch free downloads are at


We are starting a list of Android devices that we have tested and devices other users have reported working.  If you have tested a device please report that information to us so we can add it to our lists.

You can report results here.


Regit Express Free Version Regit Express Plus for Networks
Backup Utility

99 Departments
Imports Existing  Databases
Supports Countries Using Either the Dot/Period or the Comma as the Decimal Separator
Exports Databases
Three Sales Tax Levels
Either Tax Exclusive or Tax Inclusive Type sales
Bar Codes Scanner Support
Receipt Printer Support for both 80mm and 58mm printers
Your Logo Printed on Receipts
Includes Bar Code Label Printing Program (Regit Express Bar Code Labels)
Customer Accounts (Accounts Receivable)
Opens Cash Drawers
External Customer Display Support
Optional On-Screen Customer Display
Automatic Scale (Weighing) Interface
Random Weight Bar Code Support
Dual Store Capability (Immediately switch between two full, separate stores.)
Training Mode (Handy training mode lets you train, practice or test without affecting your live data.)
Quantities definable from 0 to 3 Decimal Places
User Definable Tender Categories
Split Tenders
Customer Database
Customer History
Line Item Sales History (tracks every item sold)
Quantity Pricing
Promotional Sale Pricing
Transaction Discounts
Tax Exempt Tracking
Tag Along/Carry Along Items
100 Password Levels
Auto Combine Like Items in Transaction
Employee Database
Endless Customizable Reports
SQL Database Access (with full query capabilities)
Save Created SQL Queries for Reuse
During Transaction Product Lookup by Product Code, Description, Department, or SKU
During Transaction Customer Lookup by Customer Code, Name, or Company
Credit/Debit Card Interface
Signature Capture Device Support
Pin Pad Support
Spreadsheet-Style Database Access
Easy Backup Utility
Recall Past Transactions
Reprint Past Receipts
Individual Item History
Customer Purchase History (both period sales totals and individual item past purchases)
Calculates Profit by Department
Calculates Inventory Value
Custom Receipt Wording (allows receipts to print in local languages)
Save “Open” Transactions
Employee Commissions
Customizable Common Note Value Currency Keys When Tendering
Print Bar Code Transaction Numbers on Receipts
Second (Networked) Register (if applicable)
Third (Networked) Register (if applicable)
Touch Screen Support
Customer Display on a Second Monitor
Product Image Lookup
Automatic Customer Pricing (4 Levels)
Automatically Email Customer Copies of Their Receipts
Automatically Email End-of-Day Reports
Customer Notes Stored
Regit Express Purchase Order Module
Customizable Cash Paid Out Printed Vouchers
Save and Recall Files of Commonly Sold Items
Prints Quotes/Estimates for Customers
Prints “Pick Lists”
Regit Express Scan List Android App
Regit Express Item Lookup Android App
Regit Express Stocktake Module (for checking and updating inventory with EZInventory)
Regit Express Remote Transaction App for Android Devices
Regit Express EZInventory Android App
Regit Express PO Partner Android App
Serial Number Tracking

Compatible Equipment List

No specific point of sale equipment  is required to run the Regit Point of Sale for Windows program.  Many businesses run Regit POS without any  point of sale equipment at all.

All equipment on our supported equipment list is common and available from many POS Dealers or directly from us.  To ensure continuing compatibility with our system and easy setup and use, we strongly recommend you do not purchase equipment outside our supported equipment list.

An internet connection is not required but is recommended for downloading fixes, upgrades, and contacting our online support

Regit POS Express Plus for Networks With KeyGen

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You can download Regit POS Express Plus for Networks from the link below…

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