Quick Access Popup Multilingual !{Latest}

Quick Access Popup Multilingual !{Latest}

Quick Access Popup provides you with a comfortable method of quickly accessing frequently used folders in your computer,

without having to browse for their location in Windows Explorer. Practically, it allows you to create your own, personalized menu that contains shortcuts to favorite and special folders.

Its main purpose is to help you improve your workflow and become more productive by saving the time needed for navigating to a certain location in your computer.

The application runs silently in the system tray, allowing you to configure its behavior using the context menu. The ‘Settings’ section is where the configuration process takes place. Here, you can change the content of your personalized menu and organize items as you feel fit.

New folders can be easily added to the shortcut pane and existing items can be removed with just a click. You can change the item order, include separator lines in the generated menu, as well as assign a representative name to each folder, for identification purposes.

The created menu is displayed by pressing the middle mouse button in any active Explorer window or dialog box (the most popular dialog boxes are supported, but new ones can easily be added). It allows you to quickly select the directory to navigate to from the list and offers you a faster alternative to adding an entry to the shortcut list.

Aside from the user-defined directories, the application supports some special folders by default, namely Desktop, My Computer, Network Neighborhood, Recycle Bin, Documents, Pictures and Control Panel.

Quick Access Popup can come in handy to anyone that uses the computer on a daily basis. It allows you to have all the folders at your fingertips and does not bother you while working. It is a convenient way to jump instantly from one folder to another, without having to look for the new location.

New in version 7.2.1
(May 3, 2016):

– add new favorite type “Snippet” to paste pieces of text from the QAP popup menu or hotkeys
– snippet is pasted to the active window at the current insertion point
– an option in “Advanced settings” can make a snippet be sent as “Text” (default) or as “Macro”
– snippets of type “Text” are pasted to the active window using the clipboard (the original clipboard content is preserved)
– snippets of type “Macro” are sent as keystrokes supporting AHK special characters (handle with care – see help page)
– if snippet is selected by clicking on Taskbar, on QAP icon in Notification area (Tray icon) or on Desktop, a keyboard pause allows user to select the insertion point and press the Enter key to start pasting (timeout after 10 seconds)
– in snippet text, end-of-line and tab characters can be processed automatically or entered as special codes (n for new line andt for tab)
– add help link in Add/Edit favorite for snippets

– add “External menu” favorite type allowing to load favorites from a shared .ini file
– external menu can be modified as regular submenus
– external menu can be made read-only by adding the value “MenuReadOnly=1” in the ini file [Global] section
– first favorite number in external settings file can be configured in “Advanced settings”
– external menu settings file path supports relative paths, environment variables, UNC and HTTP paths
– if external menu settings file cannot be loaded properly, give an error message, display menu as unavailable in Settings favorites list and block menu editing
– removing an external menu from QAP menu does not delete the external menu settings file
– add help link in Add/Edit favorite for external menus

Bug fixes
– fix bug Settings window occasionally opening inavertandly when clicking on the QAP tray icon (when Total Commander and Directory Opus as file manager only)
– option “Open Menu on Taskbar” is now considered
– column breaks now inserted in menu when called from a hotkey and now inserted at the correct position in submenus
– stop checking for prod update if user decide to download the newest beta version
– stop launching Directory Opus when refreshing the list of open folders in listers if Directory Opus is not running
– add the auto-detection of .ahk and .vbs extensions when user add a favorite using drag-and-drop to the Settings window

– French, Italian and Swedish language update new v7.2 features
– new runtime v1.1.23.5 from AHK
Version BETA: (2016-05-02)
– fix bug Settings window opening occasionally when clicking on the QAP tray icon
– fix bug when trying to get a Snippet location using Alternative menu feature “Copy a Favorite’s Path or URL”
– add the auto-detection of .ahk and .vbs extensions when user add a favorite using drag-and-drop to the Settings window

OS: Windows 7 / 8 / 2003 / 2008 / 10

You can download Quick Access Popup from the link below…

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